Our HOMES office has experienced some flooding. The foundation is compromised because the building shifted this spring, putting the program at risk.

We have been maintaining and repairing our foundation as needed, but this unexpected issue has left us scrambling to ensure we can continue to meet women’s needs for housing and income supports in the long term, while preventing further damage to our building.

This leak has also compromised our basement space, where we store necessary hygiene supplies for women.

We need $25,000 to fix it. Will you please consider giving to ensure the sustainability of our programs?

Here’s what the HOMES space does, and why we need to repair it ASAP.

Recently, there were two devastating apartment-building fires within a few blocks of West Central Women’s Resource Centre. Three women who lost their homes in these fires came to our HOMES program looking for support. The Red Cross covered two nights in a hotel and after that their only option was an emergency shelter.

Two days after they met with HOMES Case Coordinator Gloria (pictured here), the three women were in safe, affordable housing and were connected with supports to replace their furniture and build a new foundation for the next chapter of their lives.

You and your gifts can save this vital program.

With your support, Gloria will continue to work one-on-one with women to help them find and maintain stable housing and income. Together, we will continue to help women advocate for themselves, and gain the information and support they need.

Please help. You can ensure life-changing opportunities for women experiencing homelessness, housing insecurity, and income instability.

Please make your tax-deductible donation today to help fix the foundation at wcwrc.ca/support or by mail to 640 Ellice Ave, Winnipeg MB, R3G 0A7. Together we can ensure women and the community have the strength and hope they need.

Thank you. Your generosity will support women and families in our community.


Lorie English, Executive Director

p.s. Thank you for your support. Please ask others to give as well, so that the foundation can be repaired right away.

p.p.s. You may want to join the Women’s Supporting Circle, with a monthly donation.
Many supporters find monthly giving an easy and cost-effective way to support women in need year-round. Join today at wcwrc.ca/support.

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