Empowering Women and Building Community

WCWRC Transitional Housing Project and Drop-In Expansion

We all want to live in a neighbourhood where we and our families feel safe. A real community, with friends and connections with people who watch out for each other. A place that feels like home. Unfortunately, communities like this don’t exist everywhere, or for everyone.

Sometimes we need to create them.

WCWRC’s $9.8-million Building Community initiative will renew two buildings in the heart of Winnipeg.

  •  One will become a unique, longer-term transitional residence where women traumatized by family violence will receive the wrap-around supports they need to make a fresh start.
  • The other will be a renewed, refurbished drop-in area at our Ellice Ave centre where women can connect to resources and supports and find a caring network of friends.

Both spaces will transform women’s lives and create a stronger, healthier neighbourhood for everyone.

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