Drop-In & Food Services

Woman at reception desk signing up for services with two staff smiling behind the desk. All wearing masks and safely distanced.

Drop-In Free Services

  • Community phones for local calls
  • A Computer
  • Laundry Machines (by appointment only)
  • A Shower
  • Hygiene & Harm Reduction Supplies
  • Access to Traditional Medicines
  • Workshops, Activities & Info Sessions (view the Calendar)
  • Information & Referrals to Other Services and Organization


Meals and Snacks

Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Lunch @ 12 PM

Tuesday & Thursday
Dinner @ 5 PM

Breakfast & Coffee @ 10 AM

Scheduled meals are provided while supplies last.


Community Garden

Located at 448 McGee Street, WCWRC’s garden is comprised of 12 raised beds. Using a model of volunteer-based community engagement, we grow and harvest fresh vegetables and fruits.

The West Central neighbourhood struggles with access to grocery retailers since many are beyond walking distance and are inaccessible for many of our community members. The Community Garden formed out of an identified need for community access to fresh produce. Produce from our garden is shared with our community volunteers and is also used in our kitchen to make meals for the community.

The community garden is also a space for community to gather and participate in outdoor activities, including ceremonies and Indigenous cultural programming, gardening & nature programming, and community events, such as summer Tea & Bannock and BBQ’s.


Thank you, Heirloom Seeds Canada for the donation of seeds for our garden, and to the following farms for their donation of seedlings:

Childminding Space
Drop-In Childminding is available three days a week at the centre! You’re welcome to drop off your small human during an appointment in the building, or just have a break with a cup of coffee.
  • Tuesdays 4-6PM
  • Wednesdays & Fridays 1-4PM


To request more information, contact:

Molly Dunbar, Employment & Childminding Coordinator
E-mail: [email protected]
 204-774-8975 ext. 223






We Serve ALL Women and Gender-diverse People

At West Central Women’s Resource Centre,

we serve ALL women and gender-diverse people.

Women and gender-diverse people who access our Centre may have

many different abilities, bodies, experiences and

beliefs. So long as you identify as a woman or gender-diverse person,

you are welcome in our Centre.

We recognize that we all carry conscious and

unconscious biases that affect our behaviour.

Staff at WCWRC continually challenge

themselves to move to a place of being more

inclusive of the diversity of women and gender-diverse people’s lives,

bodies, beliefs and experiences.


Men in the Centre


Our DROP-IN is a space for ALL women and gender-diverse people.

Men visiting the Centre

  • Follow directions given by WCWRC staff and mentors at the door
  • Wait in the vestibule by the door, not come into the Drop-i, if you are here for an appointment

Men are welcome in the Centre when

  • Making deliveries (mail, packages, etc.)
  • Making service calls/ Centre repairs
  • Meeting directly with WCWRC staff
  • Attending community celebrations or workshops open to all community members
  • 16 years-of-age or under with a parent/guardian

Men waiting for Partners & Family

Please wait outside the Centre or visit one of the following spaces nearby:

West End Resource Centre (formerly DMSMCA Resource Centre)
823 Ellice Avenue @ Arlington Street
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday: 10 AM – 4 PM
Thursday: 1 PM – 4 PM


For more information on accessing services, please contact us or drop by the Centre and speak to a staff member in person.

See Resources & Links for other support services in Winnipeg.

It was fun to be with women where there was a spirit of shared generosity and humour…in terms of kindness, support, acceptance, respect and care.

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