Message from our Executive Director & Board Chair

Message from our Executive Director & Board Chair

What a year this last one has been! When we set the course for 2020/21, none of us knew that we would be in the grips of a global pandemic that would create turmoil for all of us, but most significantly for the community that we work with. COVID-19 required us to act...
Audited Financial Statements for 2020/2021

Audited Financial Statements for 2020/2021

Unsurprisingly, 2020-2021 was an unusual year for funding. In addition to our regular funding, WCWRC received over $440,000 specific to supporting community through COVID-19. End Homelessness Winnipeg, Winnipeg Foundation and United Way in particular stepped up...
TRC Commitments 2021 Report

TRC Commitments 2021 Report

West Central Women’s Resource Centre is committed to being an active partner in reconciliation between settlers and Indigenous people. Hundreds of years of colonization and destructive policies such as residential schools, the Sixties Scoop, and the child welfare...