Join us as we celebrate #BlackHistoryMonth 2022!

We’ve compiled a list of information on Black history, books and podcasts, local black-owned businesses and resources. You can also check out our social media channels to view live Q&A sessions with local advocates throughout the month.

Here’s a fun fact to start:

This year’s campaign we’ve decided to use the colours blue, yellow, red, and green. These colours are meaningful for the Black community. Blue is for peace, yellow for hope, justice, and equality. Red represents sacrifice for freedom and equality, while green is equated with labour, development, and fertility – Flag of Ethiopia (1991–96).

African Countries followed Ethiopia’s suit, claiming the colours as part of their national flag. During this time, these countries were still recovering from colonial tyranny and communicated with one another by wearing similar hues, indicating a shared heritage. Pan-ideas and Africanism’s which demand for a united Africa, were a significant matter for the African continent.

Books to Read

  • Shutup You’re Pretty by Téa Mutonji
  • Difficult Women by Roxane Gay 
  • Half A Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichi 
  • In the Not Quite Dark by Dana Johnson  
  • I Almost Forgot About You by Terry McMillan 
  • The Turner House by Angela Flournoy 
  • Promise of Shadows by Justina Ireland 
  • Black Feminist Thought by Patricia Hill Collins 
  • Black Writers Matter by Whitney French 
  • So You Want To Talk About Race? By Ijeomo Oluo  
  • Redefining Realness by Janet Mock (memoir) 
  • Men We Reaped by Jesmyn Ward (memoir)  
  • Dear Current Occupant by Chelene Knight (memoir)  
  • Trap Door: Trans Cultural Production and the Politics of Visibility by Eric A. Stanley, Johanna Burton, and Reina Gossett 
  • Black Prairie Archives: An Anthology by Karina Vernon
  • “How To Be An Antiracist” by Ibram X. Kendi 
  • “Policing Black Lives. State Violence in Canada from Slavery to the Present” by Robyn Maynard  
  • “So You Want to Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo
  • “Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia” by Sabrina Strings 
  • “Whose Toes Are Those?” – Kid’s book by Jabari Asim and Illustrated by LeUyen Pham 
  • Until We Are Free: Reflections On Black Lives Matter In Canada. Edited By Rodney Diverlus, Sandy Hudson, And Syrus Marcus Ware
  • I have to live by Aisha Sasha John
  • Reacquainted with Life by Kokumo
  • The Gospel of Breaking by Jillian Christmas
  • I am Still Your Negro: A Homage to James Baldwin by Valerie Mason-John 
  • Everything is a Deathly Flower by Maneo Mohale  
  • 100 Days by Otoniya Juliane Okot Bitek 
  • Voodoo Hypothesis by Canisia Lubrin  
  • How She Read by Chantal Gibson 
  • A God Dance In Human Cloth by NASRA
  • Magical Negro by Morgan Parker


Intersectionality Matters with Kimberlé Crenshaw

Crenshaw termed intersectionality, which describes more than one role in a person’s identification; one may be identified as a woman, and black. Both identities add to the intersectionality of how they may be seen within society. 

Stratagem: The Podcast about Equity, Inclusion, and Justice

Hosted by women where they talk about everything equity, inclusion, and social justice.  Games with a social justice twists, interviews with world-renowned guests, and deep and important issues about identity, society, and injustice.

BlackChat the Podcast with Morgan and Kona

BlackChat is a platform where individuals are authentically themselves and can utilize their voices to make a difference and educate each other. It’s a no-judgment and no-holding back zone promoting “realness”. 

Good Ancestor Podcast with Layla F Saad

An interview series with change-makers & culture-shapers exploring what it means to be a good ancestor. Hosted by globally respected speaker, anti-racism educator, and New York Times bestselling author of Me and White Supremacy, Layla F. Saad.

Small Doses: Amanda Seales

Very quirky, educational, and comedic podcast garnered to explain the lived experience of black people, specifically seen through the perspective of Amanda Seales. 

Marsha’s Plate: Black Trans Podcast

3 friends come together  to share opinions &  perspectives through a black trans lens. “As poor black trans people, we stand at the intersections of racial oppression, gender inequality & the consequences of phobias of all of our identities”

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